How Staffing Agencies Provide Job Opportunities for Masonry Workers
When a construction site needs temporary workers on short notice for a masonry project, they often turn to a staffing firm for help. There are countless construction projects that need the experience and skills of a trained mason, meaning that the role will always be needed in the industry. If you’re wondering how staffing agencies […]
6 Strategies for Recruiting Masonry Workers
6 Strategies for Recruiting Masonry Workers Having trouble finding an experienced mason for an upcoming project? Partnering with a professional staffing agency can make your search much easier and is among the most surefire methods, yet there are other ways you can connect with a talented mason. Let’s take a look at several strategies for […]
Pick Your Destination and Drive
One of my favorite leadership authors, Jim Collins, said it best in his book Good to Great when describing that you build your team around getting the right people on the bus while ensuring they are also assigned to the correct seats.
Never Give Up
I had a brutal day at the office today. This got me thinking about some important lessons I learned as a kid.
Don’t leave it up to the dog to be responsible
I returned from dinner and fun with close friends about three years ago. To my not-so-pleasant surprise, when I walked through the door of our home, my dog had all the contents of the trash strung throughout the first floor.
Promotions are Made from the Bottom Up
When you hear the CEO of a company tell an employee, “I do not have the power to promote you,” you might smirk and wonder why a leader would make such a ludicrous statement.
The Dysfunctions that Destroy Teamwork
Teamwork is the ultimate company advantage and a remarkable sight when you see it in action.
Leadership…an Action, not a Title
I talk a lot about the value of strong leadership, and I credit the success of our companies to the leaders we have in place. But what exactly does it mean to be a leader?
Hesitation Will Get You Killed!
Wise judgment and effective decision-making are essential skills to leadership at all levels. Yet, I am always surprised when I encounter a leader who, when faced with a decision, either cannot commit, agonizes over choices, or is stuck in an endless cycle of over-researching and seeking input from everyone.
Are You Focusing on Rags or Riches?
What are you focusing on right now? Are those thoughts of rags or riches? Step back and evaluate if those thoughts are detrimental or beneficial to the life you want.