Matching Personality Traits with Job Responsibilities
Hiring can be a tedious task. For years, companies looking for the ideal candidates poured over resumes, narrowed them to a few, brought some in for interviews, and crossed their fingers that they selected the right person. Some companies branched out and handed the responsibility off to headhunters to reduce the burden. While that lightened the load, making the final decision still fell on the company. But now, times have changed.
Is it Time to Pull the Plug?
One of the most difficult decisions for a business owner to make is when to call it quits. Last month I wrote about the financial challenges at a couple of my companies. Using the example of how I pumped water from my grandfather’s old hand-powered water pump, I explained how we must push through difficult times because we know that once we overcome these obstacles, things will get better. But will they always?
Start Leading by Being Your True Self
As I began writing this month’s tip, it became incredibly apparent that this would be tough for me because I would have to be privy to some of the things I encountered as a young leader. For years, I have struggled with what I would describe as being in my head, which means that even on the best days, I would have this voice telling me that something would end up going wrong. Although I knew that wasn’t a positive way to think, as someone who has been in a professional career for less than five years, I was likely to experience some difficult times.