Start Leading by Being Your True Self
As I began writing this month’s tip, it became incredibly apparent that this would be tough for me because I would have to be privy to some of the things I encountered as a young leader. For years, I have struggled with what I would describe as being in my head, which means that even on the best days, I would have this voice telling me that something would end up going wrong. Although I knew that wasn’t a positive way to think, as someone who has been in a professional career for less than five years, I was likely to experience some difficult times.
Pick Your Destination and Drive
One of my favorite leadership authors, Jim Collins, said it best in his book Good to Great when describing that you build your team around getting the right people on the bus while ensuring they are also assigned to the correct seats.
Don’t leave it up to the dog to be responsible
I returned from dinner and fun with close friends about three years ago. To my not-so-pleasant surprise, when I walked through the door of our home, my dog had all the contents of the trash strung throughout the first floor.